Friday, 16 November 2007

“EDC Gold” more like I don’t see gold


In internet marketing, one of the few money making methods I have heard consistently negative appraisals of is EDC Gold. I have a friend who had invested in it who claims insistently and ferociously that it does not work, and no, it never will.

But knowing the friends who told me this and having worked in the internet marketing industry can see why EDC gold wouldn’t work for him and why EDC gold might, or might not, work for you.

Real life experience

My friend is off the kind who expects everything for nothing and when he joined EDC he wanted the world given to him on a silver platter, he wants, the moon on a stick and expected a spoon of gold to be thrust into his mouth while he’s sleeping, so he would wake up wearing velvet gloves and silk pajama’s and as I’m sure you all know the world doesn’t work like that and internet marketing doesn’t work like that either.

For every forward step we make in the world internet marketing effort must be expended, confidence must be fostered, and because you may be at times working alone, in the sense that you have no boss with the power to sack you, in the sense that while working from home with your television to distract you, your dog will demand to be taken on walks, your wife or husband will nag, it is important that you foster discipline.

A favourite author of mine, Frank Herbert said, ‘Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty. ‘

From my own experience of life, from my time spent earning , studying, internet marketing, I would say that quote sums up the key to success in the smallest sweetest nutshell I have been able to find. Work hard, but more importantly work hard in the correct places, and then make your money work for you.

Back to EDC gold.

EDC gold disadvantages

Having looked over EDC golds compensation plan in some depth, I would say keep away, they break one of my key rules, and manage to do that in several ways, the compensation method they use is suspiciously complex.

Firstly it contains two sub systems EDC gold, and the original EDC, and for some reason, that’s entirely unclear, they give you $25 or $15 every time your recruit recruits someone which means that after every sale you’re more or less where you started and there is little hope of building up much of a serious residual income

I now agree with my friend.

EDC Gold? Stay away.

wealthy marketer a real winner in online business

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